Monday 28 December 2015

Roasted chicken chunks burger

hello everyone and sorry for a little late upload :) I know I I have to upload it last night but failed due to some reasons, anyways! Its my second burger recipe, hoping you all love it too like the last one.
I love to add different varieties in burgers as I really love fast food ( may be because its easy to make, ready in short time and have a delicious taste ;))
yummy! I know you are looking at the pic so why not try it...
boneless chicken chunks                                        1/2 kg
ginger garlic paste                                                   1 1/2 Tsp
cabbage                                                                   1 1/2 cup diced
cucumber                                                                 1 diced
onions                                                                       2
tomatoes                                                                    2
mayonnaise                                                               according to taste
garlic tomato ketchup                                              according to taste
red chille                                                                 2 1/2 Tsp or according to your taste
salt                                                                           according to taste :)
black pepper                                                            just to sprinkle
egg                                                                           2
cheese                                                                       optional
burger's buns                                                             10

fry chicken chunks( diced at home) with ginger garlic paste and add red pepper salt in it. turn off the stove and lets start fresh vegetables, diced cabbage and cucumber in a bowl with mayonnaise and garlic ketchup along with black pepper and salt ( just sprinkle).
make an omelet with just a little bit sprinkle black pepper and salt.
I have added onion and tomatoes which I have fried or you can say shallow fry. they become juicy as I don't like dry burgers. you can skip any step according to your taste Enjoy your happy meal. recipe is for 10 burgers so you can reduce its volume if you are making just for yourself.  let me know if you try it and till then I will arrange another recipe very sooon...
keep smiling love your life..

Friday 27 November 2015

art and science exhibition

hello everyone,
lets check them all, the models we have made in last art and science exhibition. hope these all help you to make some models at your schools and of course our new students who ask me again and again what kind of models we have made last year. soooo ! watch them and start some creative work. I am waiting for all the ideas from all of you.

be ready for the next one! :)
love you my students

Tuesday 10 November 2015

planner/notebook how to make your own planner with some simple instructions.

Hello everyone. It has been a long interval in my posts due to busy schedule. I am back with another exciting post and that is a diary or planner or note book whatever you call it. I saw a lots of posts on it and than used my own skill to make it more easy and economical and easy to manage. hope you all like this idea.
I saw some videos on planner making and how you can organize your planner, a thumbs up for all the girls who are doing such an amazing work. I am also sharing my planner and I hope so you like the idea.
  1. a file 
  2. colored papers
  3. aluminum paper
  4. plastic covering
  5. glue
  6. decorating stuff

I've searched a lot for suitable size of a file to make a planner. Most of them are larger than traditional size of a planner.what I did? I've a file which is larger than that. I simply trimmed it to the size I required.You can check it out. Such files made up by such material which can easily cut by seizors.I covered it with aluminum paper. Its available in your kitchen and it looks so decent. We've used aluminum paper in many of our projects ( I'll share it later). Here winters are going to start so, aluminum goes with the season, You can give a winter theme to your planner as well.

How to organize your planner:

when we make our planner ( its your modern or 21st century's personal diary as you put most of your activities,appointments, plans in it) we need to organize our all important stuff assemble first. Everyone organize their planner according to their requirement. A common thing is calendar. You cannot do any planning without dates so you have to put a calendar in it so you can go according to planned dates.
what is in my planner . let it check in my below  video link. best of luck for your planner

Friday 2 October 2015

mehndi henna designs (tattoo)

There are a few things which you must know about henna or mehndi before you use it.

Mehndi or henna is used in eastern countries especially in India as an essential part of their celebrations. ladies use henna to make different designs and tattoos on hands arms and feet.The convenient way to apply henna design is its henna cone which is quite easy to apply.

henna tattoo
There are two major types of henna cones available in the market. An average henna cone, emergency henna cone or instant henna cone and black henna cone.

An average henna cone is the most reliable henna paste which has least chemicals in it. its color is brown or mud color. it is quite obvious that all henna cones in the market has chemicals in them but its better to know which brand has least one as you are going to apply it on your skin.

Instant henna also has chemicals but mostly harmless as many companies use this statement as a selling campaign. Instant henna cone take maximum 15 minutes to dry and its color is good. The design could stay at least 10-12 days.

Black henna is considered as a chemical paste rather than henna paste and it sometime react on your skin. allergy or worse could happen by its use. Its brand must be tested before its use. its paste color is black.It is also use as outline of design and it look so much amazing.
you can make different and unique designs by using all kind of henna cones as they give different colors. you can use black henna as an outline and simple one as for filling or shading but again be sure your black henna paste won't be harmful.

 You can make a henna cone at home.its quite easy. some people use different kitchen items to enhance its color. coffee, black tea, lemon is used to enhance its color. I am not sure about why lemon is used in it but coffee and black tea has its color so it may enhance the color of henna. my mother also add black tea and cloves in it and it really works.
black henna design
what you have to do is to boil water with black tea and cloves (4-5 are enough) and use that water to make paste of henna. Use a spoon while adding water so that you can make a perfect thick paste. 
For henna cone mostly plastic paper or plastic wrap kind of material is used and most appropriate size 7" of paper. you can use tape to seal all the areas of cone where henna paste could be leak.

Henna designing needs practice,don't hold henna cone far away from its pin otherwise you can't keep your hold on it and your designs couldn't be perfectly draw. keep your speed slow if you are beginner.

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Wednesday 12 August 2015

shami pattie burger

shami burger pattie

A few days ago, I have tried to use the ingredients of shami kabab pattie which is the recipe of a popular brand (ingredients were on the back of that brand's pack).Mostly it is made by beef or mutton mince and grain which make it heavier.In hot weather most of us are not in mood to heat some thing heavy. Everyone likes to eat something which is refreshing and light.You can use fresh vegetables with it which make it much tasty and it has less calories.
chicken (boneless) chest :                 1 piece
potato (normal size)                           3
black pepper                                     1-1/2 Tps
salt                                                    according to taste
red chili powder                                1tps
garam masala or oregano                  1/2tps
cooking oil                                        for  shallow fry 
garlic                                                  1Tps
ginger                                                  1Tps

boil potato and chicken.(use just one cup of water for chicken. let it will make chicken little hard) put garlic and ginger paste in chicken while its boiling.peel potatoes and smash manually ( you can use chopper machine but it makes potatoes paste which is little difficult to handle so its better to smash them manually.and use chopper machine for chicken for fine smashed or grind. Now mix potatoes and chicken in a boil and put all the spices in it. now make round shape pattie of this mixer.
you can increase of decrease its size according to its use. small one is suitable with tea and for burgers you can make bigger one. put a 2Tps oil on a pan and fry them. make their outer skin  a little harder as I did in it.It make it crispy  there is no need of egg codding.turn its side when it change its color from one side and turns a little will be easy to turn. Use cucumber, onions and tomatoes.
put tomato ketchup and green chilli sauce in it. 
enjoy these patties and give me your feed back.
you can join me on twitter,facebook,pinterest & on g+

Saturday 4 July 2015

gift wrapping part 2. use of a language you really don't know

Here's another idea for gift wrapping. isn't it interesting? I recommend this idea for someone very special. 
if you want to get attention from your dear one or wants to give extra value to your words. why not write it in the language your receiver (whom you give gift) doesn't know :)

I have selected Chinese as I can't read it and similar for the others around me. I have searched on net and collected someone of the sayings of them with English translation ( otherwise how it could be possible to select when I don't understand :) then with each statement there's a heart which is pasted with a tape so that it can be easily removed. Inside the card... O'M God! its the translation of the statement.
You can try another thing here than write a letter in other language and put in on the gift before wrapping where as its translation is hidden in the gift box. why not your words get such value that other person try to find what you have written in it.
here I am sharing some quotes which are in Chinese along with their English translation. You can use any other language with a translation which must be in your mother language. write the other's language quote and place it on the top of your gift and wrap the gift and hide the translated page somewhere in the gift box. this will definitely surprise your close one because once he failed to understand, he/ she will be definitely keen to know what you have written on the page he/she opened at the start.
Of course the language you didn't learn, when you write, there must be some mistakes in its writing. But that's just you know :) ))))) as the person who is getting the gift also not familiar with the language so its OK for both of you.
click on the video to know more what I have done in this creativity

hope you would like it. join me on twitter,facebook and pinterest with the same name wishdiaryy.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

gift wrapping. part1

hello everyone. 
well I guess today's post is more interesting than others I had made before and its about 

There are many events on which we give gifts to our dear one's and you have to think harder, what to buy for them. when you finally buy something, you are another trouble and thats its wrapping! Most of the time when we ask to wrap the gift from the shop we have bought the gift. the charges are double, triple, there is nothing called extra ordinary. 
Gift wrapping is your  presentation for someone special and there must be some unique wrapping which gain their attention wooowwwww! its cool & exciting!
from now on my upcoming post are about gift wrapping.
you definitely love them all as they are super easy and highly inexpensive. creative and impressive . like my all posts I really don't like to make things which become headache for my followers and my students. I always say, just look around there are many options are available which are free of cost or at least quite less expensive use them and make something unique.


Mehndi is used in Eastern especially in Indian culture on celebrations and girls make different designs on their hands arms and feet. its inexpensive thing. you can use it for decoration of your gift and its look amazing and like a eastern gift to someone, perfect for holle or eid. you can give to some one else as a gift in your cultural way.its up to you how you are going to use it.can make design for Christmas as well.  it looks so nice. have a look!
Use cone mehndi and before applying it use it on a rough page as I did it to make it accurately. have a look! I shown you both in the pic, the one I draw as a rough one and the second one is which applied  on the wrapped gift paper.

Saturday 20 June 2015



discrimination kills a child at home and it last longer than you expect

A conversation happen in front of me and the daughter said that when her mother like always counts the things she or the parents had done for her.Parents no doubt do lots of sacrifices and face lots of hardships in growing up their kids. No one is like parents who take your responsibility and  provide you all which is in their reach.
but the matter I am discussing here is the gender discrimination exist in parents. sometimes they prefer a boy kid on a girl. still in underdeveloped countries this thing is so common. Its become worse when they give every thing to a boy kid and give a girl a sign of inferiority, discriminate her own the basis of gender. and when she ask that I also need that ...why not I can go or I also deserve to get higher education , my shoes are tore or the dresses are getting dull. Parents start telling them what they have done for them. they mention those things which are the right of a child cloth food etc.
In underdeveloped countries this situation is quite miserable. 
One of my student who was hardworking but suffering from the same problem, I got her situation by her words as she always feel shy to participate in any activity and whenever I ask her, she told me that her mother wouldn't allow her. she was the only daughter others were sons. I discussed it with the parents on that time and now I am feeling a spark in her personality . she is improving day by day.
Its not that I am a very nice person and admire myself here but the discrimination which starts from your own home kill you thousands of times and make you feel regret to be born as a daughter.
I can't understand why here parents believe that their son will be very nice with them and they try to give things to them and never feel a single time that a child of the same age, sitting with her brother and having a desire to have the same thing ( mostly a toy, chocolates, etc) how that immature mind take such harsh realities of life. with the same sense of discrimination it is so obvious that may be a parent did good for her but her personality and heart is so broken that she would never feel any of your thing except those bitter feeling which she may faced daily from her childhood till now.
Daughters are so loving and if you don't have something they understand so quickly and never insist for a thing. my grandmother did the same mistake in her life. she had given major share to her sons in food, in higher studies but she was a rational lady. her elder daughters got education till school but the younger daughters got education to university level, they are doing job on a respectable posts and now caring her mother better than her sons.My grandmother said once to me" Wish I did a mistake on believing this mis-perception that sons are better than a daughter but now my elder daughters serve me younger daughters too.These things  are learned with age and now I know that daughters are much caring"
sons are also nice, loving and helpful. but my topic for today is the discrimination at home and the statement which I had heard a couple of days ago, really made my heart heavy.(which I have mentioned in the start)
Give your child a chance to prove herself. we are not living in caves anymore. look around you whether its developing or developed country. If there is such discrimination, do help the child to come over it and keep shining..

Saturday 6 June 2015

A teacher's quality!

Every country has its own environment , an environment in which our vision and opinion build. our actions and reactions reflect our surroundings. now a days when I observe people, we have filled our hearts with unnecessary hate on the grounds of regional, cultural or religion. I guess we all have some reservations about any community or on a region. It may be due to the incidents take place or the time we had suffered by them.

hate is something that steals away your goodness. you may express it time to time whenever you meet a person of same region or religion, you have reservations . people really don't admit that,. ,but if you observe them, they have hate but they don't know really.
Today I am talking about the most important quality a teacher must have, its to be indifferent when you enter in a school.Think like you don't have a religion or if you have than you are a Christian when you are dealing a Christian child, a Hindu when dealing a Hindu kid, a Muslim to Muslim chap. if your mind and heart is not pure and you are hiding hate in it. it will or it must come in front of you when you are not in good mood or the kid is not doing your assigned work perfectly.
when I was a kid (near past :) ) I had suffered by this discrimination and I know how it would feel. when a teacher belongs to a majority's religion or region,how she/he intentionally or unintentionally becomes the part of hate. 
if you really want to adopt education as a worship. whatever happening in the world is none of your your students as your own kid and never never discriminate them. discrimination almost kills a child.
I am doing the same in my school. I know my all school's children and I am getting the same in return. children are really angels. they express burntly,
what they feel. I really love when they express their love in morning greetings, giving me flowers and cards. 
Be a nice teacher, build your students confidence and personality without any discrimination. Next time when you enter in your class, take a look, may be there only a one Christian, Hindu or Muslim child, feeling insecure and isolated. spare some time for him and talk with him.boost his confidence and generate an environment in which everyone accept each other. will you?!!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

sketch of a girl.


wow! I am loving this sketch. One of friend given me this idea and I tried it.simply pencil colors and colored markers are used.Hope all of you will like it.
try it and share your master piece with me!

Saturday 23 May 2015

wall painting!

wall painting
last year when I was at home and really was getting bore.I decided to draw something on wall. In a random click I found this one on net. that was a digital picture and I draw it with poster colors.when you want to draw something on wall ( please  do get permission, as I thought its my room and I can draw anything on its walls. :) seriously! my mom cleared my misperception :)) lolz ) but I must say that when I have completed, she really liked it.
One thing which I want to share here is that whenever you are drawing on wall. don't be so overconfident to paint directly. you need to make a rough sketch first.
To draw something like that the best thing is green school board's charks .you can easily remove it from the wall and its almost invisible thing.once you draw it. now take your brush and start painting...

board chark        white is better
paints                 multi-poster colors

firstly you have to clean your wall with a fabric or broom ;P hahahah as its much difficult to clean it once you draw on it. now secondly take the board chark (which we use in schools to write on board) and draw a rough sketch. it will help you to minimize mistakes. and thirdly whatever paint you are using, now apply it with your brush. I have used poster colors here. I thing its the most simplest and economical as well. I liked her as she is quite, observer, trendy and smart. so, if you are like me. you can draw in your room's wall as well.

Thursday 21 May 2015

sketches 2

Today a statement of a scholar I've recalled. He said that" whatever we understand and observe with in or around us, its a creation of our minds.whatever we observe,feel and judge, its on our ability of brain."
I believe that our minds are interlinked with our souls. a good soul normally take the good aspect of an object and a depressed one just find the gloom, dull aspects. its quite natural. The same thing applied to a optimistic and pessimistic : one who see the a glass is half filled with water and the other see that glass is half empty.
Today i am just considering the creation of our minds called "expectations" when we start visualizing someone or something.that is the most dangerous product of our minds. because we portrait something which doesn't exist.
its quite painful experience and we all have such experience. here I am sharing two sketches which a made in different times. whenever I see them it just give them  a tittle "what we expect and what we get!"I placed them in descending order, what we get is on the top and what unfortunately expect, its on the second one.(of course :) )  we must take things as they are and thats what we have to do at the end. better if we learn it without pain.
let us a make a fair agreement with our mind,soul and heart that we wouldn't expect much and accept whatever comes to us!

Saturday 16 May 2015

summer day at school!

hello everyone, hope you all are fine.after a long interval, I had plan a summer day at school. I believe that a institute must be a place where a child learn not only books and get awareness as well.summer's are really hot here and in June to August the temperature reach up to 50 centigrades. Children mostly get ill in this time and they don't know what kind of food they use to make their body cool and how to protect themselves from such extreme kind of weather. 
so, as an event organizer I didn't have much time as I can't miss this Friday. summer holidays are quite near but as much I can, I did :)

first step was to go in all the classes and tell them what idea I have and what they have to do on coming Friday.
I really don't know why children don't eat fresh fruits and why love to eat junk more often? anyways the recommendation was to bring fresh fruits, drinks, sun glasses, umbrellas, water guns etc.
children must learn how to fight with such a hot weather and how to avoid dehydration.we lose more minerals and salt of our body in such weather and we must use such food and drinks to protect ourselves from dehydration.children would be encouraged to use drinks and vegetables along with fresh fruits.
the best and simple way to avoid dehydration ( which my grandmother used to:P) she said that mix a little bit of sugar and salt in water and drink it.that was the old tip for energy boost and to avoid dehydration.
watermelons are very good for avoiding dehydration. its sooooo refreshing as well. and why not if you are Punjabi (people living in (Punjab) in India and Pakistan ) use lassi ( a drink which is made by yogurt and chilled water) it definitely safe you from hot weather.

we suggested them to wear light colors and summer stuff. such activities are really beneficial as children learn more when they are together. we achieved the goal with lots of fun.they played with water guns. I made approx.200 pics of them and then they requested for a music class.Music teacher played their favorite songs and they dance together.
I am also become fresh after it and really I asked them did they enjoyed it? and the answer was "yessssssss! ma'am! "...children don't like a lecture in a traditional way. they learn more with awareness and fun!
arrange something in your schools and don't forget to tell me. may be your idea give me another awesome day.
keep contacted! and stay blessed.
may be somewhere around the world a teacher is planning some activities for kids and may be in random click they read some of my experience and get some idea...I guess that is my achievement if someone helped by my stuff. give your feedback as its encouragement to write more...
join me on facebook( I have only one page on facebook with the name of "wish's diaryy and i am not running any community on it.) twitter, pinterest and google +

Saturday 9 May 2015

happy mother's day cards

mother's day card by wish
hello everyone and happy mother's day to all of love is like a mother, no one love you without any interest. mother's love is what I made for my mother. We have provided same cards which students decorated them with their messages

and students make individual cards as well.
let them check and make your mother's day so special.I draw it on white board first and then I decide to make this as card as theme is so amazing.

 check out all the cards we made for mothers and how was mine? I tried to make a little bit 3D plus I expressed my feelings to my emmi ( urdu word for mother) she  became very happy. Do try to work on mother's day and give your mom some leisure time :) I didn't edit pics and simply posted them due to short of students also made beautiful cards. I am not going to say any specific materials here. do whatever you can do to make your mother happy. 
love you all .have a wonderful mother's day
(join me on twitter,facebook,pinterest. (I don't have any community on facebook ,I have just a page there.)
give your feedback.



Friday 1 May 2015

health day at school- a healthy activity!

health day at school-healthy activity
hello, everyone.Here's another post of mine and its really important one as its on 'world's health day'
I remembered when I was a kid .I don't know the importance of being healthy and the first worst thing I had started was to skip breakfast. Sometimes it was due to afraid of being late, sometimes due to the mental pressure. The teachers of our time were not as friendly as now we have at school. That my habit of skipping breakfast went with me till my masters because when I woke up, my mind was captured by all the stuff, I had to do whole day. It is the failure of our educational system because they taught us aims and goals but failed to tell us the importance of ourselves.
This time I have a chance to make a complete health campaign. we discussed it and then finalized the following things:
  • the first thing we did was we expanded the world's health day to a complete week. as few or more :) students are slow learner. A complete week practice give them a chance to understand the importance of health & healthy food
  • we involved our students as they learn more by their own participation than just listen from the teacher. we arranged speeches, drawings. they shared their views in assembly as well as in English language class
  • teachers also give them lectures on Health.
  • finally we arranged Health day at the end of the week.we measured each students weight/height according to their ages. they got perfect weight, average weight and below weight according to their age.
At off timing of school, I was at listening our students sharing their excitement with their parents,what was his weight? & I've more weight than him/her etc.Parents were admiring students art & assignment work as everything was displayed. This is a healthy activity and I believe every school must try it.

If my post help you in any way, my goal has been achieved. you all can follow me here, on twitter,on pinterest and on facebook ( I have only a page on it, and mostly the same posts are available over there as well. I am not running any community over there)


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