Friday, 2 October 2015

mehndi henna designs (tattoo)

There are a few things which you must know about henna or mehndi before you use it.

Mehndi or henna is used in eastern countries especially in India as an essential part of their celebrations. ladies use henna to make different designs and tattoos on hands arms and feet.The convenient way to apply henna design is its henna cone which is quite easy to apply.

henna tattoo
There are two major types of henna cones available in the market. An average henna cone, emergency henna cone or instant henna cone and black henna cone.

An average henna cone is the most reliable henna paste which has least chemicals in it. its color is brown or mud color. it is quite obvious that all henna cones in the market has chemicals in them but its better to know which brand has least one as you are going to apply it on your skin.

Instant henna also has chemicals but mostly harmless as many companies use this statement as a selling campaign. Instant henna cone take maximum 15 minutes to dry and its color is good. The design could stay at least 10-12 days.

Black henna is considered as a chemical paste rather than henna paste and it sometime react on your skin. allergy or worse could happen by its use. Its brand must be tested before its use. its paste color is black.It is also use as outline of design and it look so much amazing.
you can make different and unique designs by using all kind of henna cones as they give different colors. you can use black henna as an outline and simple one as for filling or shading but again be sure your black henna paste won't be harmful.

 You can make a henna cone at home.its quite easy. some people use different kitchen items to enhance its color. coffee, black tea, lemon is used to enhance its color. I am not sure about why lemon is used in it but coffee and black tea has its color so it may enhance the color of henna. my mother also add black tea and cloves in it and it really works.
black henna design
what you have to do is to boil water with black tea and cloves (4-5 are enough) and use that water to make paste of henna. Use a spoon while adding water so that you can make a perfect thick paste. 
For henna cone mostly plastic paper or plastic wrap kind of material is used and most appropriate size 7" of paper. you can use tape to seal all the areas of cone where henna paste could be leak.

Henna designing needs practice,don't hold henna cone far away from its pin otherwise you can't keep your hold on it and your designs couldn't be perfectly draw. keep your speed slow if you are beginner.

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